Tuesday, September 21, 2010

At Jezebel's Crossroads

As the emotions are washed away into the sea of numbness, the soul is finally freed
Freed from the four walls of conscience; freed from the shackles of morality.
Free to succumb to the succulence of my wanton thoughts,
And embrace the utterly perverse.
Defying the moral powers that be,
I follow my urges through Hades' rabbit hole
Disregard to Lucifer wanting my soul.  

My brain implodes and my loins explode as I now stand, here, at Jezebel’s crossroad.

She hisses and sneers, but I fail to turn a deaf ear
For simple reason that she also smiles and flirts and to that I adhere.
She plays on my fallible mind, and sluttish thoughts are begot,
Thoughts so lewd, that they would leave a nun's stomach in a knot.

How I long for days yonder when discretion protected my soul
And she cloaked my very being, and preserved me from all things base
But, alas, her role she did abscond
Leaving me here, all alone, as…

My brain implodes and loins explode for i stand at Jezebel's crossroad

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